Camping Equipment
Learn English Vocabulary
Here is a list of items that you may take with you when you go camping:
axe: a tool with a wooden handle and a metal blade that is sharp at one end. They are used for chopping wood or cutting down trees. A small axe (with a short handle) is called a hatchet.
backpack: a (large) bag that you carry on your back. It is made of strong material and is often used when hiking or walking to store your equipment.
barbecue / grill: a metal frame used for cooking food outdoors over an open fire.
bedroll: a thick piece of material that you can sleep on when you go camping. It is more comfortable to sleep on a bedroll than the hard ground. A bedroll can be rolled up when being carried or not in use.
binoculars: an instrument used to help you see objects in the distance. It consists of two small telescopes (one for each eye) joined together.
campfire: an outdoor fire made by people when they go camping. Sometimes it is used for cooking, for warmth or for light when camping.
camping stove / camp stove: a small portable stove powered by gas canisters. They are designed for cooking when camping.
canoe: a light narrow boat with pointed ends that you move along the water using a paddle.
compass: an instrument with a needle that always points in the direction of magnetic north. It helps you find the direction you need to go in.
cooler: a (usually large plastic) insulated container that keeps food and drink cold.
deck chair / deckchair: a lightweight folding chair. It consists of a frame that has a piece of canvas that is used as the seat and back.
first aid kit: a small box containing items that can be used when helping a sick or injured person. It usually has useful emergency treatment items such as bandages, plasters (band aids) and antiseptic wipes.
fishing rod: a long pole with some fishing line and a hook attached to the end of that line. It is used for catching fish.
flashlight (US) / torch (UK): a battery-powered electric lamp that you hold in one hand. The light comes out of one end of it.
hammock: a type of bed made of canvas or mesh with ropes at each end. It is suspended between two trees or posts.
hiking boots: a sturdy type of boot used for hiking or camping.
insect repellent: a type of liquid or cream applied to the skin to keep insects away from you or to stop them from biting you.
kettle: a container with a lid, a handle and a spout. It is used for boiling water. A kettle used for camping is made of metal and the water is heated over a fire.
knife: a sharp blade (with a handle) used for cutting.
lantern: a lamp in a metal case with glass sides and a handle on top. It used to carry light when outside.
lighter: a small portable device that produces a flame.
map: a diagram representing the main features/characteristics of an area of land (or sea) such as roads, rivers, hills, etc.
marshmallows: a soft, slightly chewy item of confectionery. They are often pink or white and typically heated over a campfire when camping.
matches: small sticks of wood with a red composition at one end that ignites when rubbed against a rough surface. They are used for lighting a fire or other item.
pocketknife / penknife: a knife with one of more blades that fold into the handle. It can be carried in the pocket. There is a version called a Swiss Army knife (a trademark) that has other tools such as a screwdriver, a miniature saw blade and a can opener.
rope: a length of thick strong cord
sleeping bag: a warm padded bag to sleep in, especially when camping.
sunscreen: a (white) cream that you put on your skin to help protect it from the harmful effects of the sun.
tent: a shelter made of a large sheet of canvas or nylon. It is supported by poles and ropes that are fixed to the ground. It is mainly used when camping.
Thermos flask / Thermos bottle: A container used for keeping liquids (and sometimes food) hot or cold. It is like a type of bottle with double walls that have a vacuum between them. Note, the word Thermos is a registered trademark. Thermos flask is used in British English and Thermos bottle in American English.
Camping Equipment Summary Chart

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